Hey there, leaders and aspiring leaders! Let’s dive into a topic that’s crucial yet tricky: how to be an effective boss without coming off as “bossy.” It’s a fine line to walk, but with the right approach, you can lead …
Hark's Log Articles.
Hello! Just a quick post to mark the release of my new “aboutme/CV/portfolio” micro-site. A fun weekend long bootstrap project where I introduce myself and showcase some of my work. harkadya.com

Hey there, fellow coders and game enthusiasts! ? Ever thought about mixing the nostalgia of ASCII art with the adrenaline …
Another ChatGPT post with stuff I did with it and interesting links. Yay and all hail our AI overlords! First, DAN! What is DAN? Well, DAN is ChatGPT on crack. You manipulate it using a prompt that basically forces ChatGPT …

Some articles and random links Insights from the people that worked/work on ChatGPT, The inside story of how ChatGPT was …
Still on the whole chinese balloons are spying other countries on HN someone shared a fun “Spy Balloon Simulator”. You drop the balloon somewhere and see what trajectory it takes. The models uses actual atmospheric data from ERA5: https://spyballoonsim.hornetsnestguild.com/ Apparently …
So it finally happened, Netflix account sharing has come to an end. It was coming, we already knew. I was hoping for a “soft-lets-test-the-waters-first-release”, but no, it was a full-on launch. It’s a thought that has been repeated on the …
“Write a Python script that will export a list of all the files in a specified directory to a .txt file” I was surprised of how clean and well detailed the code is. Of course it’s a simple script, but …

When I created this little space my intention was never to daily blog, but to share stuff that I found …