So it finally happened, Netflix account sharing has come to an end.
It was coming, we already knew. I was hoping for a “soft-lets-test-the-waters-first-release”, but no, it was a full-on launch. It’s a thought that has been repeated on the internet, and I fully agree with it: streaming solved the piracy problem, and streaming will create the piracy problem. There are too many companies, too much shitty content, too much good content that is split between these shitty companies, and too much of a bill at the end of the month to support all of this.
I’ve been “lucky”. I shared Netflix, I share Disney+, I share Spotify and I got HBO and Prime for free for two years, so the bill is pretty small. But I still download. There are a few shows that aren’t available on any of these stream platforms but mainly I do it to hoard. Not exactly sure of what I’m afraid of, since these will “always” be there to see again, but, will they?
Anyways, as a post-mortem Netflix post, here’s two links about the visual design of Netflix own content:
The contagious visual blandness of Netflix, by Haley Nahman
Why Does Everything On Netflix Look Like That?, by Motherboard/Vice
See you around pirates!